Old Blog
Solar Panels Up in Flames: What About My Warranty?
Some solar companies may not outlast the year! Businesses providing solar technology and products have not been able to prosper and s
The Daily Caller. It has been reported that over the years, rates of solar companies going under have increased. Back in 2009 only about 10 solar businesses went under including some that declared bankruptcy and others that were acquired and merged. Some argue that the businesses that have been able to stick around are the ones with strong business plans.
Jan 9th 2015
Solar Lights in the City of Peace
Solar lights have recently been placed on the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City. According to Independent Catholic News, earlier this month “people of many faiths gathered … as part of a global interfaith climate action. Building on the momentum from the People’s Climate March in September that mobilized hundreds of thousands of people, faith groups held solar-lantern events in thirteen countries to call for progress towards an international agreement on climate change.”
The gatherings took pla
Dec 11th 2014
All Politics is Local: Neighbors Squabble over Home Solar Panels
If you ever had to put up a fence on a common border with your neighbor, you will know how sensitive any kind of improvement to your property can be to your neighbors. What can neighbors argue about? Almost everything. So it should come as no surprise that there are petty and some not so petty arguments about homeowners placing home solar panels on their roofs.
Take this dispute in Pennsylvania where a homeowner placed a solar array in his backyard. There has been a huge pushback from hi
Nov 28th 2014
Further Price Cuts in Home Solar Panels Not Expected
Supplies for polysilicon used for manufacturing solar panels have stabilized and prices are not expected to decline further. The material, used in crystalline silicon PV cells was in oversupply in 2013 and some suppliers of polysilicon were forced to shutter their doors. Production was at a maximum which lead to this surplus. With demand and supply relatively steady, prices have now stabilized.
According to PV Magazine prices crashed between 2011 and 2013 when the global polysilicGreentech
Nov 7th 2014
Solar-Powered LED Lighting Brightens Developing Countries
LED is not a stranger to us as they have been around us already for many years. TV screens, LED bulbs for your home, and the back light of phone are all using the LED technology. But when three scientists who won the Nobel Prize in Physics earlier this month started working on blue light-emitting diodes, or LEDs in the 1990s, not many could ever imagine what changes it could bring to the underdeveloped world.
Currently, in developing countries, many families are still unable to be connected
Oct 21st 2014